What is GameBench Verified Labs? 

Mobile users increasingly tune out marketing claims unless they're backed up by hard evidence. For this reason, GameBench has emerged as the primary real-world gaming benchmark in mobile, used by over 10,000 bloggers and enthusiasts to constantly test the optimisation of new devices and games. 

GameBench Labs is our in-house testing service, producing Verified Results for device makers, chip makers and game studios who want to get ahead of the news cycle and share authoritative, independent benchmarks that demonstrate the quality of their products.  



How Companies Use GameBench Labs

Your company doesn't have to be a client of GameBench tools in order to buy Verified Results from GameBench Labs. We have straightforward pricing based on the number of Verified Results cards you wish to buy, which in turn reflects the number of games and devices you'd like us to benchmark. In general, working with GameBench Labs involves three simple steps:


Step 1: Pick the products to be tested Tell us which games you want tested on which devices. This can include both your own and competitor products. Consumers often want to know how high-intensity games (like those shown above) perform on high-end or gaming-centric devices, and we can help to guide your choices if you wish, based on what's popular in our crowdsourced database.
Step 2: Check the results  We'll provide you with the results cards, which will quickly show you whether your gaming quality is good enough or whether further optimisation is needed. Optionally, we can also provide you with a full set of raw data from our tests, including visualisation through the GameBench Web Dashboard, helping you to diagnose and fix performance issues much quicker than relying on subjective testing or post-launch customer complaints.
Step 3: Get ahead of the news cycle  If you have a high-profile product, it's very likely that a tech site like XDA, Tudocelular, PCPop or 4PDA will eventually test your product with GameBench. But you can get ahead of the news cycle by using GameBench Labs Verified results cards as part of your own publicity, including our logos and watermarks, so that journalists and gamers know what to expect before they do their own benchmarks.