How global finance giant J.P. Morgan uses mobile app testing and automation to secure billions

J.P. Morgan has no fewer than twenty different mobile apps for its customers and staff, all ultimately designed to streamline and safeguard the movement of money.

Each app inevitably comes with risks: for example, the bank has an iOS app for its traders that authorises transactions of up to £20 million based on a single biometric login. Solid mobile testing and QA are therefore critical.

Responsibility for this testing rests on shoulders of J.P. Morgan VP Lee Crossley, who will soon be speaking at open(London) 2017 — an intensive one-day event focused on the latest QA methods and tools for mobile apps, games and VR.

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Use game technology to ensure the visual smoothness of your app

The notion of frame rate, or frames per second (fps), which measures the smoothness of an animation, is traditionally associated with game development rather than app development. This is because games depend on stutter-free graphics in order to feel immersive, believable and responsive to a gamer’s touch inputs.

However, as businesses increasingly rely on visual fluidity to sell their products and transmit the quality of their brands, this distinction between the two sides of our industry is becoming obsolete.

Streaming video, displaying moving ads, scrolling through media-rich pages, swiping across screens, zooming and dragging -- at a fundamental level these are all animations that feel wrong if they’re not smooth. And frame rate is pretty much the the only objective way to measure this smoothness as a user perceives it on their screen.

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